Bottleneck In Business
Oct 31, 2024
CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE to hear the interview with coach and mindfulness specialist, Aundrea De Leon
Host James Hilliard speaks to Aundrea De Leon about getting beyond the bottlenecks in your business…
“Where do you have a bottleneck in your business right now?
If you're going to sit back and say, ‘Well, I just want to sit here and deliver services,’ you don't deserve to be in business. You might as well go back to a job, because that's a job.
You have to decide that you are an actual business owner, and you are solely responsible for making this work. You must own that journey. You have to decide and commit: I am a business owner, and I am building a successful business. And look at your business as a set of steps and processes, and ask yourself, where do I need help right now?”
People are less trusting. There's so much more noise.
And I think it's actually harder, because everybody's saying it's so easy. And you think you can DoorDash your success, you have to figure out that your people buy out of Rolls Royce magazine on Facebook. And you're like, Oh, got a Facebook page. You're just doing things for the sake of doing things. You're not doing things that cause a meal to start moving. There is nothing more powerful than going I don't have any money. I know how to sell people.
Are you the executive professional who is missing the expectations of yourself? Are you seeing your wheels right now and trying to figure out, how do I make my business work? I spent that corporate life. I'm trying to figure out what is going to be a secret sauce for me, because I drew Lear. She specializes in finding out your secret sauce. She can teach you how to stand out most poorly in a really chaos and proud of my device right now. The best thing about that is only your value matters. So why this is Andrea? She's been around 20 years ago. For life, and she stepped away from that so she could do that her service based business on her own. Today, she's now coach. Also goes mindset work helps people with therapeutic behavior, and that's really key way to help you transcend to the next place for you.
We've been friends for a few years now, so this will flow nice and easy. Andrea, how are you doing today?
I'm doing awesome. How are you
I'm great. I was very excited this, and we talked about a long time ago, we are going to be kind of line of things. So let's try again. This thing up, and we'll just recall this conversation with the people who come to start service based businesses, typically coaches. They could be other service based businesses. What is the problem that they bring deals?
I will say the most common statement that I hear from people is I want to, not only I want to be a successful business owner, but not do I just want to be I'm going to feel like it. And right now I don't feel like a successful business owner. And so inevitably, like, like, if I if I talked about it into like, if I diagnosed it, if they were in my doctor's office, they say, Oh, do you have any imposter syndrome? Huh? Successful. Or feel, I want to feel maybe your answer that way, because I want you guys watching up to this point. Because still here, when they find success, how they find it? When they put those feelings, what are those feelings?
So a lot of them will talk about, I'm doing the things like, I've got the website, I've got my LinkedIn profile, or, or they'll or they will talk about the things that are happening. They think everything is happening, right? My website is here, but I need to redo it, and my social media. I need to be better at this. Like they'll talk about all the things that they're doing, and they'll say, I just, I want that feeling like a successful business owner. And it's not it partially isn't revenue generating, right? So part of it is there. Maybe most of them are not meeting their revenue numbers yet. But that's it's interesting. That's not the primary thing that they're frustrated by. The primary thing that they're frustrated by is they don't feel is they did in themselves when they were in their professional career. So they haven't mastered this business ownership identity yet to feel confident that they're wearing that suit. They're either using certifications. Like, I wouldn't tell me about certifications. Almost every single woman has two, three certifications. And like, okay, so Pot, kettle black. You see my wall, like, I'm not, you know, I am. I'm with you. People have a certification, junkies, oh, I just need this one more certification. They don't have everything. I need to be valuable or etc. And so what it is, is they will go, I love they're literally having some of identity crisis. They are not feeling like they're in that mode where they were in their career. They're doing things. They're having success, but it's not feeling like it's that complete picture, that they have confidence, that this, they can see this three and five and 10 years down the road working for them. That's really what it is
I'm gonna come back to, I guess, Steve, but I wanna talk about that many weeks, because anybody watching this who's so respected and now was thinking about setting up a cool world to do this, the number one question is, how do I replace my paycheck? Yeah, I can't survive without it. So how much do you think the financial pressure valve impacts the confidence level?
Can you press up for a moment? More popular? Yeah, absolutely. More.
So there's so there's better. People making this week now than there were in 2017 but I made the leap back in 2017 we, like you, and I met shortly after that, and we were like anomalies right on LinkedIn, and people were looking at us. Now, there's so many people making that leap. The majority there, I'm probably say 80% are making that leap, and they are in charge of an airplane that already has passengers on so many they have commits, they have mortgages, they have car payments, they have spouses or partners or kids or like, there are other people depending on them. And so the pressure for them, we talk about it from many terms, but really what it is is disappointing the people that we're responsible for is the pressure of being a disappointment and letting them down that is weighing every single person that I've had like conversations with, and, you know, having them work with, in other ways, the people in the back of their mind that around them that they're going to let them down, which if they let them down, then they're letting themselves down.
So what do you think? To tell you? So there's financial pressure valve, yep. What's causing that drop in confidence? Because I see this all time with they will come to me. And I say, I know what's wrong with me. I used to be like, supremely confident, and now I'm in this increased responsibility decision, I find myself staying low. So believe it is for the people you're talking with, yeah…
so for the former corporate pros who have gone into it, like coaching, consulting, it's that there's been these. It's like these kind of we're not used to failures. We're coming out with an expert's mindset. I should be an expert at this instead of coming to it as a learner's mindset. But when it comes to I don't have time, I don't have 20 years to figure this out, right? And so it's kind of, it's kind of like if you never wrote my business a kid. I don't know who you are, who does, but basically, if I had to put a bicycle on these who had invited, say, hey, for some reason, as adults, we do not have the grace for ourselves. Of I've never done this. I'm gonna, like, I can conceptually do I read the book, I watch the video, etc, but when I get on it, it's gonna be wobbly and it's not gonna look great, etc. It's like, we literally want to amuse my door. Dash right. We want to door, dash the persona, but it's on and go up in the world and be great at it.
Because I, because I had in my mind, well, if you can run a company, you can build one, and that is not the case at all. Well, no, because there's 25 we're have to wear them when you had to wearable.
Yeah, that's right. You don't have a budget, you don't have the you have the safety net, you have a team, you have the budget so you don't have the room for failure. At corporate world, we are competent, because corporate tells us, right? Companies have failures. Teams have failures. In high power to stick upon themselves, right? Well, that we but then we have room for risk and mistakes, because there's a budget. There's 10 more people doing things you got into this space, and it's, you're it, you're you're the top of the hill. And everything rises and falls whether you get this right. And suddenly you've got to run marketing, you've got to run sales, you have to run client delivery, you have to run operations, admin, right? You're doing it. There's this whole engine that you have to run. You were not trained to run.
And some of those things you won't enjoy, no, you won't buy them. Because the reason why you didn't do sales your career, you didn't like sales because you didn't like the app inside of the business. Exactly what happened is, I'm any business. As soon as somebody said, can you just put this in a file I've lost? Because, like, okay, sorry, systems and how to tie everything together? Terrible technology. Using technology, I have to decide which the decide which videos you're using after fit like you have to make these decisions before you like people telling you what, like they were serving you options and telling you which decision, like experts say, here we're gonna do and here's what I like, great.
But for now, of all, where are you struggling most, right?
And so it's this looking, can we see? Right? And so it's this looking, it seems like a car course question, but, yeah, but you have to kind of suffer to say, most people will say, well, once I get the clients, it's great. It goes, Great. What you have to learn is, what is the right system for you to get those clients ready to do right? And it's also free to stop for a moment and go, Okay, great. What don't I What don't I know?
And instead of trying to learn how to do it yourself, it's learn what needs to be done and then ask yourself, how quickly or who could I get to do this in my business for me, so that I'm because most of them will, most of them are low funding, like, we're good staffing our business, right? So it is kind of like, it's great. Are you getting your business from right? Marketing, sales, delivery, operations, animation, right? And one thing I tell people is that in the first year, you're gonna pivot, like, you're just gonna pivot a lot. You're gonna start in one path, etc. So quit trying to create this whole perfect persona, perfect website, perfect persona, etc. And literally, Brax basics is you have to be able to pick one audience that has one problem, that you can create an outcome for, and rinse and repeat that until you get into six figures. You just gotta do that until you do that, so that you can focus and then go,
Bottleneck Meaning In Business
Ah, so case of point, like, my example was, um, failed visit with my first services finally started gaining traction when I started like, I'm like, Okay, so I'm getting clients.
I'm able to have current conversation. I'm getting I'm gonna sell them.
What I realized is it's taking me so long to get clients. Like, I have to go speak at an event, then I have to have all the calls, and I get some of clients. I'm like, Okay, well, that works, but unless I'm speaking two or three times a month, I'm not getting enough exposure. So your episode for speaking to or three times a month or I have to be able to go, here's who I have been working with and who has said yes, and how I can render this will.
How else can I gain access to them? Is there a referral partner? Is it an introduction? Is it? Could I hire a marketing admin to help you do some online things to do that, like some COVID route, right?
How To Identify Bottlenecks In A Process
So you have to kind of stop letting go where you have a bottleneck right now in your business, because if you're, if you're gonna sit back and say, Well, I just wanna sit here and deliver services, first of all, you don't deserve to be in business.
You might as well just go back to a job, because that's a job.
But the first thing is, you have to decide and commit that you are going to become, that you are an actual business owner, and you are solely responsible for making this work, and you must own that journey.
But you have to decide and commit. I am a business owner, and I am building a successful business.
And you also looking at your business as a set of steps and processes, and then looking at, where is the next where do I need help right now? That moves my business keeps continuing. My business work.
It's not reinventing your service. It's not going building another product. It's not, you know, etc, it's another product. It's not, you know, etc.
It's you have, if you've done that, traction, if you haven't done that, that's like, that's the first place I tell people like, you have to quit trying to serve everybody out of all the people that you've served.
Let's go down my knee, right? I go, What's that red thread of best customers you have that paid off? Consider and go, great cures, five to seven of them. Let's only go get five, seven more of those. Everybody else out of the way. Absolutely. I created the word avatar didn't 2025, years but, yeah, he was the one who highlighted for me, James of your top 1015 clients, they will have something in common that has powerful things.
I like the energy started off there with First things first. And the analogy I've heard before is like, I can get a hosepipe in your yard and there's lots of kinks and hospit. You can't unkink the one nearest where the water comes out, because you still have all kinks back at the chain going all the way back to where the water's coming from the source? Yes, I'm thinking the first one. So we're talking about there, ultimately we're talking about marketing. Because maybe that first thing makes me think of some questions for you. I'd love to take a specific marketing discuss for a small business practitioner who's maybe in the first two, one to three years, more like two, three years, still spin their wheels a bit. What would you say about marketing today that's changed? Maybe today?
I would say two things. Number one, if you haven't sold organically, repeatedly or marketed organically you have no business paperwork, because you're gonna go and ask a marketer to go build a funnel for you, etc. And the first thing they're gonna ask you is, who and so and why and what are the way like they're gonna ask.
They're gonna ask you information to help them be successful.
And so I go, the first thing is, is, everyone, have you done some organic and can you have that red thread lane?
And then the second thing is, is, pick one path or one platform, right?
Pick one, where does that sweet spot customer hangout spend time? Is? Everybody's like, Oh, you have anywhere you gotta you have you on Google, YouTube, actually master one and then expand right?
Rolls Royce are not on Facebook.
That's such a unique perspective of marketing. You find Rolls Royce effort, you'll find it in a golfing magazine.
Yes, that's where the people who drive Rolls Royce is hanging out. Great is, don't be on Facebook if you'll feel people are there, but maybe not to buy your thing. No, they might be there for another reason.
So I love that lesson I have to learn hardly because I did that and let me channel this out. But ultimately, it's always come back to No, I'm just on one main channel, then I have an additional channel which I can leverage, which is you and I YouTube.
If you haven't figured out that your people buy out of Rolls Royce magazine on Facebook, and you're like, I got a Facebook page. You're just doing things for the sake of doing things. You're not doing things, you're not doing things that cause a meal to start moving like, it's just like throwing darts, like they're just kind of throwing random darts versus like, here's what, if you don't sound it's out, do they go to marketing groups? What books do they read? Right? What? What YouTube channels are they watching? Right? Things like that. We're already watching YouTube that kind of thing. You've got to do some organics, but it does take a little bit of human capital to do that.
And when you do that, the one thing I will say is that also make sure that if you do decide to start pirate for marketing, make sure that marketing company has done marketing for your type of business and your client specifically. We've made some mistakes, right? Some costs. They do.
I hired a marketer because they were in this community of experts that I knew, and they were like, I should have seen this as a red flag, and I do. But the first one I was like, here's what I need to be done. Like, oh my gosh. I've always wanted to do this for a business based simple coach, meaning I was there first, meaning I was paying them to learn how to do marketing. For not hiring somebody who said, Yeah, I have done marketing for your type of coaching, etc.
We know if you're leaving for this type of client.
Bottleneck In Business Example
Here's the two formulas that work best. Questions, can you show me examples? And can I talk to one of those exams? Yes, if I can't talk to a reference, I'm never gonna work with a company. If you're watching this and you'll do it, you have to come up with the marketing team who have demonstrated capability and deliver practice in your space, and they've got plenty of evidence. You have to give them a way to give them a way to get people into your business.
So if you say, I need marketing for a $10,000 high ticket sale, and that's almost more coming out, because they see all the things online with your online so sell your high ticket. First of all, nobody's going to YouTube. They're gonna hand you $10,000 than they've ever seen before. So you have to be prepared to give your partners a ladder for people to step into with you. And right? So that's why I go. You have to do some main wall.
And so then, then invest.
Do not invest first because you're marketing, will not save your business if you do not have the things in place to save your business right experience, paid advertising, if you haven't got down, organic marketing, so you'll just get more of the same results. So you have appliances master sales, wow, market your brand because then I sell to some guy before most people have never been in sales, and so I go before you master marketing, you master marketing, you have to master sales, because the whole point is marking funnels to you people to put through the sales process.
Now here's the other thing out here is, yeah, what do you want to call on? Great, my calling your sales calls as well. You know, usually from an hour to two hours, and I'm like, what?
That's not a sales call. I'm like, and did you coach them on that call? They're like, yeah, because everybody says, Give me up your coaching did they sign up for coaching call? Or do they sign up for a sales call? Because it's not the same, like the doctor does not diagnose you in the waiting room. Why are you coaching in the sales call?
I think take a surprise. You can call somebody and they don't ask you about your program or anything that you're doing until near the end, and you may have spam, oh, I push those out to second call. Anything about that I drink.
Yes, I totally agree, James, and it's because who's controlling the call.
There's nothing wrong with listening to somebody and hearing about their pain, etc, etc. I always tell people, if you're doing like a false call is filtering, like it's all fine. You're listening about their pain. You're listening to their story with Is there any more assessing? Does my service help solve that?
And you better be assessing. The second thing most people think about, and I've had multiple conversations with people I had to go through this too, was, do you want to solve that problem for that person? You're qualifying them. Are they going to be a good client for you?
And when we talk, when I kind of start talking to coaches about that, they're like, because their bank account needs things, needs dollars in it, so they just have just mode. And I'm like, not every not we have a stay in your household, not all money is good money, and so I'm a huge fan of that piece, and going, okay, so what would be the criteria?
How would you give some advice to people watching this is, what are the two or three things to be looking out for?
To answer that question, this is a target client or something like women, what would be reflects, right? So I coach my clients, and I do this, I have three to five questions.
I asked, Who are you? What do you do? That kind of thing, right? Type of business?
Second of all, what's the challenge you're facing? Okay? And so, you know, my team is a mess, or, you know, I'm stuck, and I've tried every you know, can't do, you know, not getting progress, or hired three MOOC marketers, or this, or whatever, the promise when they tell me a problem.
Then this next question I ask them is, how have you tried to solve this? And what I'm coaches, you know, kind of best for themselves is, where do you want people to be in that journey? Do you want people who have just discovered they have this problem and they're looking for their very first step of solving it?
Like, if you're that type of coach, that's great. I'm not. I suck at triage. Like I'm not a triage, friendly, nurturing nurse. I want people who are a little bit Burton, so I'm looking for I've read books, or I got this webinar, or I changed like they've done some things to try and fix on their own first, because it lets me know that their solution seeking enough, you know, their solution seeking versus listen the very first time I've ever reached out for anything, I'm like,
Okay, you have 20 things to learn about your homework, right?
So it's knowing where, who, where you where that your client is in their journey of gain problem solving kind of thing. And then I always ask them, What are you hoping somebody offered?
What are you hoping somebody helps you at most, which I also am looking for them their self awareness and their self accountability.
Like, if somebody says, well, like, I had somebody who's I've had five coaches, and I'm like, what was the problem? And they're like, actually, the problem was me. Like, regardless of the coaches, like, a problem was me, I wasn't clicked. Like, and I'm like, somebody who says that, versus somebody who says, why? I've had three coaches I fired all because none of them know what the hell they're doing. Why am I putting my head on the chopping block next?
No, thank you. Right kind of thing.
So I'm looking for their level of self awareness, and are they owning a problem? So I have criteria for my clients. And that's why I tell coach, who's the criteria for your client? Is there a type of background that they've gone through?
There's a type of business if you don't have criteria, then you're number one. You shouldn't give it easier. No, shouldn't say that. But it's like, you can't say yes to everybody you you got to Disney value design, who you serve best and who appreciates you. It is an exchange. This is not just a transaction of dollars. This is an exchange of time and energy with people.
And there has to be, you have to be able to get some personal win out of this too. I enjoy it correct?
I want them to be telling me that their life story inside company or inside the company or inside the business. In your case, let's keep going ideas, everybody and some sales ideas and program, somebody might be questioning, well, what would be some things you think about in terms of, what does excellence look like an execution when somebody's doing you got client, here's my thing. Is always going with a plan with the clients in charge. So coaches always have, like, coaches, if you don't have a plan yet, like, the whole thing about taking the sale like the sales call is you're already in your mind formulating, here's where to start with them every so then always pay for coaching.
Solve it quick, win. Ease their pain, ease some pain as quickly as possible.
Nobody wants to get into a coaching program and go, okay, in six months, Your pain will be solve the front door problem in under an hour a day, then seven days. And then just keep doing.
Yes. So the first you can do is solve for them. Is for them to unpack their owners, like their business problem, or whatever.
So one of the very first things is you just do a strong intake session where you ask them questions, like, how did you get into business? Where are you guys at now? What are your strengths? Like, if you just help people unpack and then go, Hey, based on all the things that you said to me, it sounds like this is the burning problem.
What if we solve for this over the next 30 days, and they're like, you literally solve the problem for them.
You let them unload all of the things they've been carrying around in their head that their spouse doesn't want to hear their friends don't want to hear, right? All of their other friends are still in corporate world. Have no idea how to help them, right, in fact, and if they're asking questions from other business I know they never doubt you should do this. Right? You can take advice from other, you know, other business owners, but they don't know you like, they don't know what things they're just they're just telling you, like, here's why you do this. The first thing you can do is, if you just have, like your client, unpack, you've literally let them unload all the stress they've been carrying in their mind, right? And go, hey, guess what?
You're right. This is we solve this problem.
These other things probably get solved really quickly too, right? And so, and let's just focus on this right now.
The biggest gift you can give people is a place to focus in confidence. It can change now. Guess what? Your clients have no clue the quality of your courses, your template. They don't know any of that. They have no idea what to expect.
We have all this pressure on ourselves. I have this, this and this and this. And it's like, guess what? Most of your clients just having somebody there. Showing up to let them unload and then go, what would you think you were gonna be like? Well, I thought I had, did you do this option or this option, this option, like, which one did you want to do most?
But you were afraid, but you thought would be the worst, you know, you were afraid of. And they're like, well, it's this one. Because, you know, if this doesn't work, that doesn't open. And then you just ask questions, like, what is the likelihood of all of those other things happening? They're like, not really high. And so then you go, so does it sound like maybe that might, you know?
So which option really would you do if you just had full confidence that none of the bad, bad things are really gonna happen, or that, you know, and if those things did happen, what would you do? And they'll tell you, like, I would do this. Right? I would do that. They're like,
You really, in your mind, really, do that. Like, say you really reminded you have a plan for this? And they're like, Yeah, I guess I do. And so, like, they just needed somebody unpack for them in that meeting. Or two, three ideas will change if you're acting on those things.
Because I owners, new business owners, in a particular would experience a level of fear different to anything they experienced before. So I'm not saying any greater in terms of intensity. You sometimes fear being like, oh. You fear missing a project. You feel you let somebody down. Will you come business owner? You feel you're not going to deliver enough well. You feel like, air crash, like your fear is air crash, versus in your corporate life, maybe don't.
So a business, if you see your business as this basic set of five systems that make your business right, in your career, you had somewhat of a career pathline or job description, etc, right? Most times, first times in business, there's no, we don't have just a basic project plan of business. So the first thing is, is just basically your business, five simple systems that make your business work, right? That's it. So there's some fundamentals. Then there is the reins, like, sometimes in person, right?
So I have people tell me, like, I have I when I first started with my clients, I really make them tell me how they got business. So I have this time when I basically make them give me a resume story. And so when we're having those, you know, those things that, sorry, okay, great. Let's look at your business. Which system is struggling, right? Which system is a system that you can, that you can, that we can fix right now, that is required to invest more money to something else, right? That we can fix. And then I go, and if you were right, I kind of pull in their history. Of them, okay, you've been in this situation with one of the ways, how would, like, how, what did you do? How did you find strength as ever to do this? I just asked them, like, what do you do? How do you spend time managing your stress? What works for you? Sometimes you just stop talking about this is the thing about, right?
You have to decide, are you coaching the business?
Are you coaching the business owner?
I coach the business owner to run a better business. Number one, leadership Rise and Falls on your ship. You, which is you, the mindset, your capability for visioning. Your capability is you. You have to keep going into business.
Is who said it gay. Hendricks in gay Hendrick said, and he said, deciding to go into business for yourself is actually a personal we call this virtual journey.
I call it provide a personal development journey. If you're not on the personal development journey for yourself, you're improving your mindset.
You're improving your how to manage stress, your communication skills, things like that. Number one is leadership. And then I'm gonna talk about these other four. They don't necessarily go in this order until they're working all together. But is its leadership, it's marketing, it's sales, client delivery, right?
Your clients are and operations. You don't have a strength one of those five things, Andre was a person to come to the show and maybe now is free. Information is gonna keep moving those five minutes earlier on we were talking about leaving corporate life.
Yeah, I always have this notion of the reason why I think people find it difficult to leave corporate life is because they leave an identity behind. Interest so much better. So talking about that, and then how you perhaps have come the identity challenges that people have when they are competing working with coaching or service based business.
So the first thing is, we talked about the differences corporate life, business life. In corporate life, there was this trajectory that you had to go through where you had to do certain work, have certain results, to get the job title product right. So you had to go, you had to go do these other things first, in the business world, it's interesting, you have to shop that person like you have like you have to just be that person now doing the things that matter that lead to the right outcomes.
So there's, there's a shift that has to happen there. And so that's so the thing that I do differently with my clients is, before we start working on your five businesses, we start working on the first business system, which is leader, and we have to paint an identity of who you are right now that is already capable, has the talents and skills and the experience that can, that can't, that is actually valuable, and that is valuable that people want to do something. And so I take people through, I actually take people through three assessments together to help them remind themselves.
Because again, the ex, the court the world gives us an external identity that we comfortably post on, and it's a way for us not to have to. We're going to give our internal self identity in the space you can work on your own self identity first, like if you have detachment and not spend time there if you don't want to, no problem. Because we're not going to talk. We're not friends like it's just not gonna happen, but I do. I take people, I help them. I'm covered clear why. It is not a why asserting other people. It's literally their own unique why operating system that is like their battery operating system, their strengths, their working genius. And we put a picture of that together, which helps them go, Ah, I'm this person who loves helping other people be successful.
I make sense of crazy problems and make safe things super easy for people. And then what that does is they feel this confident. They have words about themselves that are true. We turn their services into that, not when they're outgoing.
People about themselves, their services, etc. It's very authentic. It's very natural, and people love it, they gravitate to it, and the people who don't love it don't gravitate to it, which is exactly what we want. We don't have it. You got it right? And so we work on the words. And there's proof like your strengths, your why was your word? T
hey're proof you are who you are, and you've shown it like in your career. You draw that red thread of how they like when they've been happiest, to their career where they've been most confident. And we go, great, no, let's just try flip that script of who you're helping today, what you're helping them do. Etc, suddenly they have words for their brand.
They have words for their services, and they have words that literally, authentically match them, like they flow out of their mouth, so easy.
And then people who love those same words literally like, Who are you and how do I work with you? It's that simple. It's that simple. It is words hypnotize people.
Don't Yeah, don't give a conversation, yeah, where you place value? What can I keep connecting this to a specific individual? You help now, so perhaps tell us you talked earlier about businesses being done some business that they're not meeting expectation themselves, and spin the wheels a little bit inside what would be two or three failures, lessons that they learned that they haven't overcome yet. So you start to see characteristics within my platform. I see this, this, this as the challenges huddles, obstacles that are routinely coming up for people that you work specifically. So we get those groups.
They've gotten two different certifications, so they're wearing their certification badges, and they haven't found their voice in them.
So they feel like what they're out there selling is their certifications, and it's okay, but they don't feel like they found their own voice within that right? So they've gone and gotten multiple certifications, kind of in the process. What they've also done is kind of gone. I have all these pieces.
How do I develop a program? Like, how do I put these things into an order of things? You because each certification program, and I'm not anti certification, like, I'm not anti certification at all.
What I am is, is certifications are gonna give you content and tell you how they think that you're going to make this way, right? They're there to just give you this shortcut or dashboard cut to success, right?
And the thing is, is that most, under 10 to 20% of people go into take those and make over 80% for having some kind of translation challenge. This is for this type of audience. I see that this work for this type of audience. I go people, right? You have to translate it for them. You can't promote that, right? So no one got a couple computer certifications, and they are now they've come back. Around and getting on. Okay, what's my identity in this? What's my formula for this? How am I putting this together in way? And then how do I tell people stand out? What's my words in my voice that make me stand out? That I'm getting to work with clients that I love working with, right? And that's the that's the biggest thing.
The second phase that people kind of get that, like, kind of third, fourth year, kind of putting that together. The next phase they get to is they're, they've, um, they're back sometimes, so they have clients, but they need more. Revenue, and they cannot work hours in the day, so they've made themselves the magic. If they don't have. They don't have a scalable business system. They are meaning, and they're like, I worked with a coach recently. There was something he was offering, and I wanted to learn that from him, but I told him, when we started out that there was no we were gonna continue to work longer term. He was like, I think we were right. Guys actually will not.
And here's why your thing that you're teaching me right now, we're selling to teach, makes everything reliant on me to do etc.
I want to be able to have my business pay me, but if I take them off in July, that means I have to now be able to build a team, build some systems, and build things that scale.
Because right now, what you're teaching me is that I'm the unperson my business, and everything rises and fall, which means if I get hit by a bus, my family doesn't eat. And mode, there's a there's a next phase where people get to where they and it's not just raise your prices, but you can only do that to a point.
Your market will let you guys right. At some point, your market will pay anymore. It's just the market. So you got to, then be able to to put systems and processes, at least for your sales, for your marketing, and then even for your delivery.
Can you scale or automate, or, you know, elevate some of your services so that you're building an engine that runs, that you're that you're part of, pushing every level three things out there, maybe pay later. Do you have any certificates of that time?
Front should be built into one, or maybe it's a one, plus some contract is but still your business, and if we take you out there, no business goal is you don't have a system that supports the business. When you're not around, like a motor building, have a job, and then you become self employed, and you own the job. Yes, they work more hours, but you might make more money. But if you want to have true freedom, you don't have money system.
Have a system.
You have to have a system, and you have to be able to scale.
And it's that, again, hard. Course, you have to do the first part to figure out what's working, because you've got to figure out what market, what market consistent issues, right? What is the market that you consistently, consistently pay you, that you consistently get results to? That's what you then want to elevate next. A lot of people are like, well, I want to go more push into another market. And I'm like, well, then you definitely need to systematize this one, because you need all that energy, and it has to go into this next market does. So something has to keep this wheel, this engine, running while you go do that. So it is at that point, it is a lot of it is they don't know, they don't know how to hire, or actually, so I actually went and learned about building marketing as a system. I don't do the marketing because of some of the people that do. It's my company. It's my job to do that, right? And so, but it's my job to also go, What does my company need and who might and it's just who I need to do. These things for my company becomes a much easier conversation, right? So you've got to get a point all the levers. And most people, I will hear them like, this is their retirement plan, or this is their you know, they do need the business produce income so they can invest in other assets that take them into into their face. So you can, you got to have a little gray hair going on upstairs. Like, is that a key characteristic of your best clients is that they've done 20 years of life? They after done that. Or you're also, yeah, most of them are just 10 to 15, um, there's a there's a reason, like they chose that half because there was a reason for it. In this business thing, they're not done, they're not working, they're not done serving. They're just done doing on other people's terms. That's really the idea that's common, I think, is that screwed out people doing this, and I advise them, because AI is ugly, language models. This, and I advise them to, because AI is a language model will change everything. Yes, well, I think people learn him to make the safety of salaries. Yeah, instead of complaining about business, sorry business, there is nothing more powerful than going.
I know how many money. I know how to I know how to search people. I know how to sell people. I know there's nothing more confident going. I can go to a networking group. I can go to a working group, I can go meet some connections, etc, and this month, I can put money in my account. There's nothing more there is no more confidence, like the most common feelings in the world, yeah. So I'm gonna ask you, what's your reason now? So what drives you? Perhaps something is bigger than you. What's your mission? So the interesting thing is, I know something about myself and one of my core Why is myself, and one of my core wise is helping other like literally, the feeling of success for me is helping other people be successful. Can we test that and ask questions about how the other people I'll give you an example.
So when I left for great first, I never want to be a coach. I had three business coaches. So let's just, we'll just put that on the table. So okay, and so what I really wanted to do was I wanted people to be better version of themselves. And what I wanted to do help them be able to break through limitations and actually be the person that they thought they have potential to be. So I wanted to type in therapy systems. And so I love the I loved the ability to help people solve, solve problems that were holding them back and set them free to experience the success, joy, etc. Like, for me, I love making sense of complicated problems and going, Ah, it's this simple. This is this. And let's do it a therapy way to help people be better version. People be better version, make sense of their complicated problem and give them a simple path. I'm still gonna push why? Because life is too short to stay stuck.
There we go. Life is too short to stay stuck. If you're watching now, you know why I can help you. Because life is too short to stay stuck. Playing small. There's no reason to stay stuck. There's no reason because there is a solution that moves forward. There's just no reason to say sex. So here's, here's the thing, helping my clients do that. You know, therapy? Was it enough? I was, okay, well, I built a really amazing practice.
I'm actually, like, I'm a 15 grand a month for every month for the therapist, but just most of them never get there. And I was like, Okay, well, I overcome this. I built this. Who can I teach this to so they can do it too? Because to me, when other people at the right time, the team is winning rolling like, if it's just for myself and I, I'll just go be a boring Catholic townhouse and just, you know, more bright, anonymous books or something, but um, so for me, it's like, what's figuring things out and then teaching other people how it works and how they can make it work and help them do it.
That's more fun, because if it's like, somebody else is now doing it to you, and they're out helping 10,000 people in lifetime, and then they're out helping 10,000 people, like, I can help a million people personally, but if I help 100 people, have another 100 people, another 100 people reaching for people, right? And so, so in my mind is this life is too short to stay stuck, and I figured out ways to get myself unstuck, and I was just like, can I make it easier for others? Because it's just stupid to struggle alone. And that's just, that's just, that's my belief in philosophy. So you surround yourself with the family there.
I want to ask you, if you work in the room today, and I had them all on zoom with me, and I had them, okay, tell me about mum or your wife, or do we hear from them? What's the ultimate verification of who you are?
Oh my gosh, it's funny. My teenage daughters have told me this, when your teenage daughters pay you a compliment, like, okay, and they'll so it's funny because they give me, they tell me they tell me stuff all the time. So my husband will tell people, my wife is ridiculously smart, like, don't mess with her, because she will see. I'm sorry, not gonna say that. But he'll say, she'll, you should come with a warning label for people. He's like, my wife is ridiculously smart because she will see for BS, so don't come with me as if it doesn't work.
My teenagers will say, well, one of my teens told me recently, in fact, last night, my 16 year old was purpose waiting out. We were running around. We were born grocery shopping with that. She goes, you know, a lot of kids at school don't like their parents. I like hanging out with you guys. You do things weird. You don't do things normal. You make things funny, and you make life feel uncomfortable.
And so to me, that was like, the ultimate competition, the ultimate compliment. They will tell you that I'm always working on something, always reading, ridiculously driven.
They're like, Mom, always want to find a better, find a way, or should be like,hey, that could have been fixed. Like, she'll say, always write a lot, because that's what mom, you know, that's moms do.
So do you need a coach doing what we have is why we want to work with the coaches not going to be as you think, there's specific, non fluffy stuff, just cut to the checks, contrary an opinion. But why here is okay? We just get conformity normal, just run the mill stuff.
You get some different perspectives here in the press, because there should be secure in the I heard you say was, if you I always think modeling is good.
So you said, if you always go, we read books and learning and effective things aren't a good thing. All idea there is a challenge, you're challenging yourself. So in a rather behavior, people watching wouldn't want the coach who's challenging themselves so they know what you're going through, because you're seeing yourself a challenge.
And we talked about this township today. I see and Andrea is that challenging herself so she can challenge you, but that means that you can the ability to compete with yourself. Journey, kind of like about competing with ourselves.
Like, at the end of the day we're this is about proving to ourselves that we can do this. We can say it's for my family. I can say it pretty much the end of days, we're really proving to ourselves, can we do this? Do hard things. Do hard things.
You want different things and like you have to do things that you didn't think you'd ever do.
Yeah, these questions is this, write down everything you need to do that you don't have to. And his philosophy is, you do know, but you're so scared, so fine, and so worried about other people's judgment and reaction and your reputation.
And for someone once said you couldn't be done that, you shut down the parts of your brain that can actually do those things. Yeah, and I think, and Testament because she's doing things that if you go back 2017 she didn't think she do now never continue to evolve. Best Place to give you is that a website, email address? Is it LinkedIn?
Tell me the best place?
Yeah, LinkedIn is probably the best place to find me, um, send me a connection request, and then this is whether you want to work with or not.
The first thing is, is I tell people the question that you ask, like, right? Who are you? What are you? How do you do and if I think it's probably gonna help you get unstuck, because life is too short, stand stuck.
So if you want that, sorry about yourself, the first thing I will do is take your why through y exercise, help you understand. You're eating out right? And help you find the words about what is it that you're best at doing?
And I know that about me, and so I engineer my life about that So LinkedIn is the best place and then from there you'll find my website, grading system, talking through about how you go to business coach and service but to get a look at another video that I would view just going to a link right there and I'll see you inside.